
  • Professor of Political Science 和 International Studies. Director of the International Studies program 和 the Peace 和 Conflict Studies Minor





Tuesday, Thursday 11:15-11:45am, Tuesday 2:15-3:15pm, 和 by appointment (including 通过缩放)

Professor Oros is a specialist on the international 和 comparative politics of East Asia 和 the advanced industrial democracies, with an emphasis on contending approaches to managing security 和 on the linkage between domestic 和 international politics.  He was on sabbatical leave from July 2020 through December 2021, serving as a fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC to work on a new book tentatively titled "Asia's Graying Security: Aging Powers 和 Rising Challenges in the Indo-Pacific."  The project is also supported by grants from the Global Taiwan Institute, the Japan Foundation, 和 the Korea Foundation.

He is the author of Japan’s Security Renaissance: New Policies 和 Politics for the 21st Century (Columbia University Press, 2017), Normalizing Japan: Politics, Identity, 和 the Evolution of Security Practice (Stanford University Press, 2008), co-author of Global Security Watch: Japan (Praeger Press, 2010), 和 the co-editor of 和 contributor to Japan’s New Defense Establishment: Institutions, Capabilities, 和 Implications (Stimson Center, 2007), Can Japan Come Back? (Pacific Council, 2003), 和 文化 in World Politics (Macmillan Press, 1998). He also has shared his research in over a dozen scholarly articles, in newspaper opinion pieces, numerous mass-media quotations in publications 就像 The New York Times  Time magazine 和 on air on BBC, NPR, CNN International, 和 CCTV, 和 lectures to policymakers in Washington DC, Tokyo, Beijing, Berlin, 和 elsewhere.

At Washington College, Professor Oros offers a number of courses related to East Asia 和 American foreign policy in addition to an introductory course on world politics. Prior to coming to Washington College, he taught courses at George Washington, American, 和 Columbia universities.

During Professor Oros’s last sabbatical leave from Washington College in Spring 2014, he served as a resident adjunct fellow at the East-West Center in Washington completing the manuscript for Japan’s Security Renaissance. He spent previous academic leaves as a visiting professor at Peking University in Beijing, China 和 Keio University in Tokyo, Japan (2010-11), as an invited research fellow at the National Institute for Defense Studies in Tokyo (Summer 2009), at the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at George Washington University (Spring 2006), 和 at the East-West Center Washington (Fall 2005).

A Southern California native, Prof. Oros also has studied at three universities in Japan – Nanzan University in Nagoya, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 和 the University of Tokyo. Prior to earning his Ph.D, he worked as the editor of Millennium: Journal of International Studies 和 as a studies associate for the Pacific Council on International Policy, the western partner of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations. In his spare time, Professor Oros enjoys biking, kayaking, tennis, 和 traveling. 

Watch on YouTube Prof. Oros talking about his latest book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zBNg0YJShM

Watch on YouTube Prof. Oros in a panel discussion about the future of the US-Japan alliance 和 the IR of East Asia – Wilson Center for Scholars, May 2019 (his remarks start at the 40-minute mark): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z28RL39d_FU



B.A., University of Southern California, 1991 M.S., University of London, 1992 M.菲尔。., Columbia University, 1997 Ph.D, Columbia University, 2002

Cover image for Global Security Watch—Japan
Japan’s Security Renaissance